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National Standards for Grade Levels 10-14


Use chromatographic columns to separate plant pigments by molecular size and structure. Students pack their own Sephadex G-25 chromatographic columns. They observe the separation of anthocyanin, carotene, chlorophyll and xanthophyll from a pigment mixture. This separation is due to differences in size as well as the presence of aromatic and cyclic compounds. The greater the number of rings in the pigments, the greater the affinity of the pigments for the gel granules. Columns may be re-used. Allow 45 - 60 minutes lab time. Designed for 24 students working in groups of four.


Required, but not included: beet, spinach, and coleus leaves, balance, lab glassware and supplies. 

Gel Filtration: Plant Pigments

SKU: 8-502
    • Chromatographic Columns
    • Sephadex G-25
    • Ethanol
    • Filter Paper
    • Glass Dropper
    • Sand
  • Sh. wt. 2lbs , DIM 13” x 12” x 5”

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