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National Standards for Grade Levels 10-14


Explore the interaction of light with copper ions in solution using photons from the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Students examine the relationship between transmittance, absorbance and solution concentration using Beer’s Law (A = ε∙b∙C) after determining λmax. They fulfill the AP chemistry requirement for using a Spectrophotometer and learn to perform serial dilutions. Includes an inquiry based extension for determining the amount of copper in a penny (nitric acid not included). Experiments are adjustable to fit your lab period; minimal prep time. Ideal for AP or Honors Chemistry. Kit designed to exceed 2013 AP Next Generation National Standards. State of the Art instructor’s manual features background material, easy to follow stepwise protocols, assessment questions, sample data, modeled calculations, and an answer key. Requires additional equipment: spectrophotometers, 10mL volumetric flasks, 1mL pipets. Meets AP Science Practices: 2, 3 & 5. Designed to accommodate 24 students working in groups of two.

Spectrophotometric Analysis of Copper: Beer’s Law

SKU: 16-102
  • Sh. wt. 2lbs, DIM 13" x 12" x 5"

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